Kara_Wilson_Smiling_while Sitting

A taco in one hand and a skinny marg in the other...

It's a powerful thing I like to call BALANCE.

Yep, I said it.

I'm a taco and tequila-loving Dietitian and Personal Trainer who believes no foods are off limits! I believe in balance, grace, and a slice of sass.


You work so tirelessly and selflessly to save lives everyday - both on and off shift. But who shows up for you?

Let that be me, your Dietitian for Nurses!

I believe that Nurses don't have to sacrifice their health to keep others healthy.

So here's your sign to go confidently enjoy your tacos and tequila too!

Read The Reviews

  • "I weighed myself today. I FINALLY BROKE INTO THE 130’s."

    - Nurse Jenna

  • "I’m becoming more aware of my hunger and when I am full."

    - Nurse Allie

  • "I was able to work 4 shifts this week and without feeling super overwhelmed like I usually do.”

    - Nurse Kristin

  • "I'm really loving my body right now… like legitimately checking myself out in windows that I pass."

    - Nurse Christina

  • "I recognized that stress made me turn to food and was able to reign it in and be more mindful of my choices."

    - Nurse Raina

  • “I have found a way to make my snacks and lunches more of a way of life - A loose meal plan so I can have options and balance. I’m so glad that I have learned enough from working with you to trust myself. I will never calorie count again.”

    - Nurse Randi